Cebu City, Philippines – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
First time visitors, you can disable some of the places visited that city, Cebu City. Real Estate in Cebu has many world class resorts, hotels, beaches and diving spots. We also have some areas of the world’s most devastating poverty. Cebu City is the provincial capital of Cebu Condos, the second largest city in the Philippines after Manila. Before I built my house in rural areas and islands Sebukamotesu always feel at home in the city, lived in the city. Cebu City, the elderly and young, rich and poor, good, bad, ugly and beautiful mixture Dirty or clean, there are a mixture of really dirty. Rules for people who go to Cebu, by the decision-making are not the first fracture.
My first trip to Cebu City was in February 2004. I am now my wife, daughter (Judith), went to the Philippines to meet the. I Sebumakutan – flew to the airport and met one of his sisters here with Judith. Began last leg of the flight from Hong Kong and my flight to Florida Cebu International Airport is a little old but is very functional. Just outside the door of the airport I saw a wave of people waiting to meet people from Hong Kong come from the plane. When I arrived, my flight when I thought it was cheap once you arrive at the airport was not busy. Walk out the door of the airport from the flight of my people, buses, V and Taxi – greeter hire, had been bombed at all to try to get a ticket. I met Judith just outside the door of the airport. She, her sister and me to jump into the old Kia all taxi and headed to my hotel.
Taxis are very old and were not well maintained. A window air conditioner that did not go down feature Because of the door latch was broken, so I could not close the door, of course, it did not matter. So, I got a lot of air. The hotel was about 30 minutes drive from the airport. We traveled the streets, crowded sidewalks I saw crowded sidewalks and street vendors than most. Was in very bad condition while others are part of the road running reasonably held The Street is filled with many types of cars, Kia and Hyundais most Moremashita. Many jeepneys, the Philippines were also the traditional method of travel. Jeepney is similar to a military jeep and stretch a large cargo area that is used for a bench seat for two and a metal roof. Jeepneys are dyed in various colors and lots of chrome often. Many of the jeepney is poorly maintained, and most can be doubt that the wearing of tires and brakes. Many also had a small bike.
After running a few minutes, I was the most dangerous vehicles Cebu jeepney, taxi; bike decided that it was finally. Jeepney drivers dominated the streets, pick up and drop off passengers, would like to stop on both sides of the street. I have seen traffic to swerve from the road immediately cut other people off and then people only two lanes to be able to fly out of the jeepney to urinate along the side of the road many jeepney drivers to allow or saw cut. Car motorcycle jeepney, the motorcycle driver and small size than expected and the only risk for the passengers of anyone walking along the side of the sidewalk and the street, with a good cab, but the risk is slightly lower Create a. Motorcycles are provided by a small shoulder of the road, the car might be drawn as to the separation of the lines on the catwalk, or sometimes anything, to make their own lane, to make himself the extra lane. Other times I saw the motorcycle, push down the sidewalk weaving around pedestrians. However, little worried pedestrians are careless and simply continued on their way.
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