house and lot single attached in las pinas
- Street: pilar
- City: las pinas
- State: Las Piñas City
- Country: Philippines
- Listed: January 19, 2016 3:18 pm
- Expires: 6842 days, 2 hours
Real Estate Agent: robbie hidalgo
single attached:
lot area:140 sqm
floor area:100 sqm
3 bedrooms
1 maid’s room
3 toilet and bath
2 carport
village amenities:
swimming pool
basketball court
children’s playground
total contract price:4,840,000.00
20% down payment:968,000.00
80% balance:3,872,000.00
less reservation fee:50,000.00
net down payment:918,000.00
14 months to pay:65,571.43
monthly amortization:
bank financing:
10 years:44,459.89
15 years:34,263.70
20 years:29,441.30
inquire now for more details
free daily tripping:
please contact: robbie hidalgo
contact no: 09353222324
Listing ID: 453569e5364f384f